Frier Vest

The zoning plan for Frier Tråk has been approved in its entirety

The Ministry of Local Government and District Affairs has today approved the zoning plan for Frier Tråk in its entirety.

Kart over Frier Vest-området

In its decision, the ministry emphasizes that the plan lays the foundation for the establishment of industry that can contribute to the green shift, and that the area has an attractive location close to the industrial environment at the Frierfjord and important infrastructure such as power supply, main road, industrial harbor and cooling water. The objection from the state administrator is not accepted.

The decision means that the regulated industrial area on Frier Tråk will not be reduced, and gives Frier Vest the flexibility desired for further work with the development of Frier Vest in general and Frier Tråk in particular.

The decision also shows that the ministry has made a decision that highlights how important Frier Vest is for Norway's investment in new, forward-looking industry. The area, with its proximity to both existing industry and infrastructure, and a new port, is optimally suited to the expansion of already established industrial space.

It is a better solution to gather industrial investment within a concentrated area rather than spreading it out and developing new areas that do not already have a good industrial infrastructure. Grenland and Bamble, with their rich industrial history and industrial culture and good access to labor with relevant education and competence, are a well-suited place for further national investment in forward-looking industry.

1,640 acres regulated for commercial purposes

The planning area for Frier Tråk is 3,700 acres in size. Of this, 1,640 acres are regulated for commercial purposes, divided into three larger and one smaller area (BN 1-BN 4). The rest of the planning area is regulated for transport, technical infrastructure, green areas and LNF. The state administrator lodged an objection to the plan, and asked to set aside an area of ​​140 acres to protect certain natural types, but this objection has now been rejected by the Ministry of Local Government and District Affairs.

This is an important milestone for the Frier Vest project, says chairman of Frier Vest Holding, Roy Vardheim.

I am very satisfied with the zoning plan for Frier Tråk now that it has been approved in its entirety. The decision is a confirmation that our plan to prepare areas for new and forward-looking industry in Grenland is of regional and national importance to ensure that Norway can take responsibility for the green industry promise. With an approved zoning plan in place, we can look ahead and continue to work on attracting partners and developers who will participate in the development of the Frier Vest area.
