Frier Vest
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Major milestone for the new port at Frier Vest

This summer we marked a significant milestone in the development of the Frier Vest port and industrial site.

Havnedirektør Torben Jepsen snakker under en markering på Frier Vest

After 18 months of intensive work, 17 hectare of the area that will become the new port terminal has now been filled. This is an important step towards the completion of the project, and Torben Jepsen, Port Director of Grenland Port IKS, expressed great satisfaction with the progress.

- In two years' time, I will invite you to a celebration here again, then for the inauguration of the port, Jepsen said, and added that the first phase will be to move the container port from Brevik to Frier Vest.

Full circle for Hæhre

During the celebration, Albert Kristian Hæhre, who leads the construction work at Frier Vest, thanked both Grenland Port and Bamble municipality for their good cooperation. He pointed out that 170,000 working hours have been carried out without any accidents or absences due to injuries.

Hæhre is also responsible for the construction of the so-called "gas road" (county road 353 Rugtvedt-Surtebogen), and he reflected on his long history of construction projects in Bamble, which started with the construction of the same county road in the 1970s.

The deputy mayor of Bamble, several local politicians, and key people from the municipality's administration also took part in the celebration. The deputy mayor presented flowers and expressed pride in the development in Bamble.

Looking forward to the next phase

Roy Vardheim, Chairman of the Board of both Grenland Havn IKS and Frier Vest Holding AS, emphasized the project's progress and that the next phase will involve turning attention to the development of the Frier Tråk industrial areas, as well as ensuring national attention to the development.

Vardheim was also able to thank Hæhre for their contribution of competence and execution power, which has been crucial for the project's progress.

The marking ended with positive prospects for the future of the Frier Vest Port Terminal and for the development of the entire business area Frier Vest.


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