Frier Vest

A new county road ensures good connectivity between Frier Vest and E18

Plans and the financing of the so-called "gas road", FV 353 between E18 and Sturtebogen, have now been approved.

Kart over ny trasé for fv. 353, «gassveien»

A well-developed road infrastructure is crucial for the Frier Vest industrial area and Frier Vest Port Terminal. Efforts have been made for many years to improve the so-called «gas road» between the industrial areas on the west side of Frierfjorden and E18 highway in Bamble. Now, plans and financing for FV 353 between E18 and Sturtebogen have been approved, including by the Norwegian Parliament.

The first section of the road from Rugtvedt/E18 to Findal is expected to be completed by November 1st, 2024. The entire road is planned to be finished by May 2025. Construction is scheduled to begin in early 2023.

The route of the road is shown in the sketch provided by Vestfold and Telemark County Council.
